Lation Health Conference and launch of Latino Center For Health

Latino health conference and launch of Latino Center For Health #latinohealth

Latino health conference and launch of Latino Center For Health #latinohealth

Latino Health Research, Practice, and Policy: Identifying Our Strengths and Growing Our Collaborations. University of Washington Medicine, South Lake Union Campus, Seattle, WA

  1. Wrap up of the 2014 Latino Health Conference! Just the beginning of something great!! #LatinoHealth
  2. So proud to be part of this moment: the launching of the Latino Center for Health at the @UW #latinohealth
  3. Register today for the Latino Health Conference 5/30 & 5/31 in Santa Clara!  #LatinoHealth #healthcare
  4. “Latino Health Research, Practice, & Policy: Identifying Our Strengths & Growing Our Collaborations” April 17-18 #Seattle #LatinoHealth
  5. Today & tomorrow I will be at the @LatinoConf2014 #LatinoHealth. So great to be surrounded by so many people committed to nuestra gente!
  6. The @UW Latino Center for Health seeks to listen to community & take impactful action. Community involvement key to success #LatinoHealth
  7. .@UW Latino Center for Health aims to foster partnerships w/ Latino community to fulfill its needs. #LatinoHealth
  8. Nora Disis @ITHS_UW, talks abt imp of researchers reaching out & communicating impact of work to community #LatinoHealth
  9. “One of the canons of good research is that it should never hurt the people studied” – Peacock #LatinoHealth #equity
  10. MT @moefeliu Nora Disis @ITHS_UW, talks abt imp of reaching out & communicating impact of work to community and vice versa #latinohealth
  11. Nina Wallerstein talks about Community Based Participatory Research to improve health equity #LatinoHealth
  12. The value of science and research is not equal across cultures & communities. Underserved groups often mistrust research #LatinoHealth
  13. How do we, researchers/scientists, address this mistrust? How do we engage the community? #LatinoHealth
  14. The National Study of Community – Academic Partnerships looked at, among other things, trust between partners #LatinoHealth
  15. Wallerstein reflects on #CBPR as a tool to promote equity, social justice. “What is the problem from each POV?” #LatinoHealth
  16. Emphasis of the day so far: engagement between researchers & community, viceversa. #LatinoHealth
  17. Research institutions and surrounding communities are neighbors, need to get to know each other, create synergies #LatinoHealth
  18. .@SeaMarCHC provides comprehensive services from health care to leadership development #LatinoHealth
  19. Riojas @SeaMarCHC: challenges to research collaboration language-appropriate materials, cultural sensitivity #LatinoHealth
  20. Riojas @SeaMarCHC: challenges to research collaboration lack of funding, communication, time, staffing #latinohealth
  21. Riojas @SeaMarCHC: when partnering, institutions have to be transparent, have mutual respect/trust, define subject protection #latinohealth
  22. Riojas @SeaMarCHC: successful academic-community partnerships -> equality, shared resources, capacity building, engagement #latinohealth
  23. Aguilar-Gaxiola: Latinos now majority in California but we still have a lot of work to do. How do we translate #’s into power? #latinohealth
  24. Aguilar-Gaxiola: mental health disorders are among most prevalent chronic diseases in general population, costy, few treated #latinohealth
  25. Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola: “Ike it’s 1849: Latinos are the majority in California.” #LatinoHealth @GHResearch
  26. Aguilar-Gaxiola: many suffer of more than one mental disorder at a time. #latinohealth
  27. Aguilar-Gaxiola: early onset mental disorders are predictors of onset and persistence of subsequent physical disorders #latinohealth
  28. Aguilar-Gaxiola: strong relationship between childhood adversity and mental disorders later in life #latinohealth
  29. Aguilar-Gaxiola: 70% of Latinos in the US don’t receive treatment for mental disorders. #latinohealth
  30. Aguilar-Gaxiola: researchers in mental health have to go to community: what are their needs? #latinohealth
  31. Aguilar-Gaxiola: 5 issues in #latino mental health: access, affordability, availability, appropriateness & advocacy #latinohealth
  32. Aguilar-Gaxiola: if you build mental health services, will they come? No. Who builds? How? Where? Will WE go to them? #latinohealth
  33. Now Vickie Ybarra: two Latino groups who need mental health services in WA: parents (immigrants) & children (US-born) #latinohealth
  34. Ybarra: in WA over 50% of Latino children 0-4 yo are US-born to immigrant parents #latinohealth
  35. Ybarra: foreign-born Latino adults in WA 72% live under poverty; avg education <10 years; ~22% undocumented #latinohealth
  36. Ybarra: the future of next gen of Latinos in WA (& US I’d say) depends on our capacity to serve & integrate immigrant families #latinohealth
  37. Ybarra: to address health disparities programs are important but policies are better #latinohealth
  38. Ybarra: Immigrant Integration -> We must go beyong acculturation, think about place, context #latinohealth
  39. Ybarra: community colleges and K-12 institutions have had some success in integrating immigrants to their programs #latinohealth
  40. @moefeliu: @UW Latino Center for Health aims to foster partnerships w/ Latino community to fulfill its needs. #LatinoHealth#Seattle
  41. Mi pregunta: ¿Cuál es el rol de los comunicadores de ciencia en cerrar la brecha/disparidades de la salud latina? #latinohealth
  42. Aguilar-Gaxiola answered: we ought to do much more to bridge gaps between researchers & communicators #scicomm #latinohealth
  43. Q: What does cultural appropriateness mean? There are generational, language issues, Latinos not monolithic group. #latinohealth
  44. Q: What is the role of us Latinos in educating others about the diversity of our community? Again we are not monolithic #latinohealth
  45. @yfortiss I think this is big challenge when thinking abt policies/programs that serve the Latino community. #latinohealth
  46. @yfortiss Can we create pan-Latino efforts that are inclusive of all groups/cultures? How? #latinohealth
  47. Trauma: do we go beyond violence? do we think about experience of immigration, culture shock, invisibility? #latinohealth
  48. MT @yfortiss: Find common ground , use as foundation. We have to be aware about diff & stay away from assumptions #latinohealth
  49. Q: can we expand the promotoras de salud (community health workers) to other high need sectors (i.e. education)? #latinohealth
  50. MT @moefeliu Nora Disis @ITHS_UW, re: important to reach out & communicate impact of work to community & vice versa #latinohealth
  51. From breakout session: “Research should be something that really matters and something to enact on!” #LatinoHealth
  52. Mayra Álvarez: Health is fundamental to opportunity. A sick child can’t go to school, an ailing parent can’t go to work #latinohealth
  53. Álvarez: Health care is not just about coverage but about access to care #latinohealth
  54. .@MayraHHS: “Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres”. We at #LatinoHealth conference are in great company, working to make difference.
  55. April is Minority Health month. Great time to celebrate the historic establishment of @UW Latino Center for Health! #LatinoHealth #NMHM14
  56. Sam Byrd: For Latinos trying to navigate health care system can be foreign. How do we make it ACCESIBLE in every sense of word #LatinoHealth
  57. How are Latinos affected by air pollution & #asthma? Find out at #latinohealth chat w/ @GinaEPA & @LULAC. RSVP: 
  58. Byrd: We want our children to be biliterate, not just bilingual. #latinohealth
  59. Byrd: There’s a disconnect of people that can help translate what health care means to Latino communities, make it relevant #latinohealth
  60. Making something relevant (science, healthcare) goes beyond language. Context, who communicates also critical #LatinoHealth
  61. SO frustrating to hear about how people who should be covered by Medicaid expansion are not because of politics #latinohealth
  62. Research shld provide actionable info to create change, make things better. What’s the point if it doesn’t benefit anyone? #latinohealth
  63. Q: How do we involve other stakeholders in Latino community in conversation about health? Preach to the unconverted? #latinohealth
  64. Just joined the breakout session on “Academic and provider workforce diversity, training and pipeline ” #latinohealth
  65. Breakout session: Academic & provider workforce diversity, training & pipeline #latinohealth
  66. Rethinking the “leaky pipeline”: there need to be multiple entry points an multiple meaningful exit points #latinohealth
  67. “We need to redefine the pipeline and allow different entry points and acceptable exit points ” #LatinoHealth
  68. My two cents: we need to look at #ISL as a way to address diversity issues, to create culturally & contextually relevant progs #latinohealth
  69. #ISL also provides opportunity for family, community engagement #latinohealth
  70. Seattle weather also celebrates the Latino Center of Health & the diversity of our community. #latinohealth
  71. Regalo de la naturaleza para celebrar el Latino Center for Health en @UW: doble arcoiris #latinohealth
  72. Latinos have the highest mortality rate of occupational injuries. Why? Because we do the hardest work. #latinohealth
  73. #LatinoHealth Conf Day 2: we are now hearing from Luis Fraga @UW about the critical role of Latino research to enhace institutional capacity
  74. .@UW was one of the first universities to establish an Office of Minority Affairs #LatinoHealth
  75. Fraga: Inclusion is indispensable to excellence. Not just having people from different backgrounds but ensure their success. #LatinoHealth
  76. Fraga: Higher ed institutions have failed if they do not build more inclusive places. #LatinoHealth
  77. Fraga: #HigherEd inst need individuals who can deepen understanding of issues of under-served and under-studied communities #latinohealth
  78. Fraga: to achieve & maintain faculty inclusion: commitment (building expectations), climate, mentorships, research & teaching #latinohealth
  79. Day 2 of the Latino Health Conference! It’s only getting better! #latinohealth
  80. Luis Ricardo Fraga:”Inclusion (not diversity) is indispensable to excellence”! #LatinoHealth
  81. Fraga: Building an institution that is inclusive is hard work. #LatinoHealth *rolls sleeves*
  82. McLaurin talks abt the mobile poor: mostly Latino, migrant agricultural workers. Often invisible when people talk abt Latinos. #LatinoHealth
  83. McLaurin: Addressing health inequalities is not just an ethical issue but a human rights issue #latinohealth
  84. McLaurin: there are ~1 to 2.5 million farmworkers in the U.S. 1/2 million children work in agriculture. Most of them Latino. #LatinoHealth
  85. McLaurin: 78% of farmworkers live below poverty level, have low literacy levels (between 3rd-8th grade) #latinohealth
  86. McLaurin: States with high # of migrant workers: CA, FL, WA, TX, GA, NY, SC, NC #LatinoHealth
  87. McLaurin: over 50% of farmworker households (the people who pick our food) are food insecure. Talk about irony & inequality #LatinoHealth
  88. McLaurin: Foreign-born Latino have highest rate of occupational injuries #latinohealth
  89. It’s a wrap but just the beginning. Roll up your sleeves to continue la lucha for Latinos & equity #latinohealth 

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